light within the dark


In the darkness, I see you
Within your tears, I feel you
In your silence, I sense you
hiding among the shadows
Listen to the song of the earth
Wake the healer within
See the light you shine
Feel love within you
Sense your connection to all life
Weave your dreams into the world

essens (live in seidhjallar)

Presenting to you a new song I have been working on - Essens. Here is a live version recorded in the studio, to share with you the atmosphere within which it has been composed.

Filmed and produced by Rúnahild in Seidhjallar.

Mixed and mastered by Gustav Holberg at Astral Synergy Productions.


Draum was originally released on my EP Sacred Feminine. This is a new and revisited version of this song included on my album Wounded Healer.

Draum is about remembering the time and place when and where we lost a part of ourselves as a response to a traumatic experience, dissociating from it or hiding it deep within in an attempt to protect it from being harmed again. It is about holding space and listening to our inner voice guiding us within our unconscious inner world, so to reunify with that part of us that makes us whole and that makes us who we are; and guide it back to the surface, to the light and back to life.


Eg følgjer min indre song 
Den lokkar meg innerst inne 
Eg kjenner en djupt sorg 
Eg lyttar i mørket 
Skuggane kviskrar 
Eg kjem i hug 

Eg synger liv 
Eg synger lys 
Eg seider meg hel 
Eg seider meg fri 
Eg seider meg i min Kraft 


English translation: 

I follow my inner song 
It lures me within 
I feel a deep sorrow 
I listen in the darkness 
The shadows are whispering... 
I remember 

I sing life 
I sing light 
I seid myself whole 
I seid myself free 
I seid myself in my energy